Our founder, Bridgette Jackson, was quoted in a Stuff article about why divorce filings increase after the Christmas break.
This is what they wrote
Auckland entrepreneur Bridgette Jackson battled through a high-conflict divorce that cost $500,000 and five years to negotiate – the experience was so traumatic it prompted her to start a new business in divorce coaching.
Jackson, a qualified lawyer with a post-graduate qualification in dispute resolution, founded Equal Exes and wants to turn the story of divorce into “the business of divorce”.
“People don’t have to end up with a bitter, acrimonious experience because money and lawyers are involved, there can be a much more positive way that lessens the impact on children and the wider family,” Jackson said.
“Ending relationships can be less costly, less time consuming and understand the emotional impact while still delivering fair and balanced outcomes.”
In the United States, divorce coaches are common. Jackson said a US report found productivity was affected by 40 per cent during a divorce or de-facto split, costing companies and employers up to $150,000 (NZD).
Recently the Government declined to introduce a new Relationship Property Act to fix an existing law that had not kept up with societal change.
“It’s disappointing,” Jackson said. “There is a need in the market from both the employee and employer to make this a more productive process.”
Address: Seven Senses Wellness Centre
100 West End Road, Westmere, Auckland, 1022
Phone: 09 302 0667