November 29, 2024DJ DONKEY COCK
November 29, 2024norm g
Wielding the god-given fortune of stupidly supportive landlords from party-host heaven, Norm G has made a name for himself amongst the cult following of the Orchard - the unanimously regarded greatest house party hosts in Auckland. Through almost a dozen editions of these storied heaters, he has proven capable of designing and performing sets in whatever slot or vibe he is called upon (he has full control over every lineup). From classic house, club-style tech house, melodic & hypnotic, to funky and erotic, to co-curating some of the finest musical shitposts of this generation [REDACTED].
Beginning in the bedroom - but as ever, not finishing there - Norm G is just starting to prove his broad knack for curation is translatable to a professional setting. Persistence paid off as pesting an instagram comp comments section catalysed the founding of Orchard Collective, now rapidly resetting the standard for fun in Auckland clubs.
Now, once again in control of the lineup, Norm G is set to stretch his set design to the limits as he takes on the challenge of soundtracking the New Year’s Countdown - taking us from ‘24 to ‘25 with the appropriate blend of hype, nostalgia, and bliss. You’ll also catch him earlier in the festy abusing said lineup control yet again for a journey into his signature ‘Hypno-Groove’ sound, tailored to the ampitheatric environment.